Our Location
Sacred Heart School Laharpur, Nabi Nagar Village P.O Laharpur- 261135, Sitapur. Dt. U.P., India.
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1. No student shall absent himself/herself from classes without the prior permission of the Principal.

2. The students are not allowed to bring motorized vehicles/two wheelers to the school.

3. Use or possession of mobile phones or any other electronic gadget is not allowed within the school premises. If such gadgets are found with students, they will be confiscated.

4. The students will be expelled in any condition of physical assault or threat to use physical force against any member of the staff or against any students of the school.

5. The students will be asked to discontinue from the school on the basis of unhealthy relationships with opposite sex.

6. Smoking or use of any seductive by a student is strictly prohibited in the School and in the School premises. Those found violating this rule will be dismissed with immediate effect.

7. Bringing of arms and weapons like knives, chains, and fire arms to School and ganging up with the students of other schools justify immediate dismissal.

8. Any kind of damage done to School property must be paid by the parents/guardian of the child. The decision of the principal regarding the amount to be paid will be final.

9. Exchange of articles or money transactions between students are not allowed. 

10. Parents / Guardians can neither enter the class rooms nor contact the teacher and children during the school hours without the permission of the principal.

11. Parents are not allowed to take the children back home from the school during the school hours. If the child is sick, keep him/her back at home.

12. Parents are requested to enter the school campus wearing decent dress.